Wednesday, 24 June 2009

You'll never walk alone.............

I read the latest comments on the Virtual World Business site this morning - it was from yet another creator with exactly the same problems as I've always had - traffic! shudder.
It's the spectre that seems to haunt us all in SL, and there doesn't seem an easy, failsafe, way of getting it which is more the problem!
Just a slow, hard, plod uphill - dragging our pretties behind us.

But reading that it's not just me, that almost everyone else has the same issues, makes me feel a little less of a complete failure! I've always assumed that I don't get sales because my stuff just isn't good enough, or my taste is just not to other's liking.
I've sort of talked myself out of the first as I check out what others are making and I feel my creations are up to scratch.

But the taste thing just won't go away!
Is it something to do with age, or where we come from in the world?
Is there really the UK/USA gulf that I've always had a sneaking suspicion about?
My best friend Patti, who is American, visited here last year and one of the things she said whilst we were traipsing around London was 'now I see why you build what you build, now I can understand!'.
And when I took a 'trip' via Google Earth to her local shopping area, I began to see why SL looks the way it does!

So I think my suspicions were correct.

Each of us has our own vision of what, and how, we'd like our surroundings to be.
We all think our vision is unique to just ourself. But we come with all the scraps and snapshots of our lives, and culture, and surroundings so deeply embedded in our psyche that we're unaware of these influences until something makes us actually stop and look, and think!

Ooooo, look at me getting all deep and thinky! next post I'll be back to usual :)

And I shall post more pictures of my new 'babies' very soon!

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